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United States
Military Organization > ​​United States
Modern • Cold War • WWII • WWI • 19th Century
Modern ​​
​ Army Armored BCT​
Field Artillery Battalion
​ Army Infantry BCT​
Infantry Battalion
​ Army Rangers
Ranger Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment
​ Army Stryker BCT​
Stryker Infantry Battalion
​ Marine Division ​
Infantry Battalion of the Marine Regiment
Cold War ​
Cold War
​ Army Infantry Division​
Infantry Battalion of the Infantry Brigade
Infantry Regiment
​ Army Air Assault Division​
Airmobile Infantry Battalion
​ Army Special Forces ​
Special Forces Battalion of the Special Forces Group
​ Army Rangers/LRRP​
Airborne Infantry Ranger Company of the Corps/Field Force
World War II​​​​​
​ Army Armored Division​
Armored Infantry Battalion
Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron
Tank Battalion
​ Army Infantry Division​
Infantry Regiment
Cannon Company (July 1943 — June 1945)
Infantry Battalion
​ Army Airborne Division​
Parachute Infantry Regiment
Parachute Infantry Battalion
Pathfinder Company (Provisional)
​ Army Rangers​
​ Marine Division​
Marine Regiment
Infantry Battalion
​ Marine Raiders​
Raider Battalion (2nd Raiders)
Rifle Company (May 1942 — Sep. 1942)
​ Army Infantry Division
Infantry Battalion (AEF) of the Infantry Regiment
​ Army Air Service
Monoplace Pursuit Group of the Monoplace Pursuit Wing
​ Marine Regiment
Infantry Battalion (AEF)
World War I ​
19th Century
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