Graphics > French Orders of Battle > World War II French (1939-45)
This is a gallery of organizational graphics for France during World War II, including Free France, Vichy France, and France before the Fall of France (1940). These order of battle graphics cover larger units, typically battalion-level and above.
Free France
2nd Armored Division (2e Division Blindée) (November 1944)
The French Armored Division under the US XV Corps during the Alsace Campaign. (Click to enlarge)
Main Source: Division Leclerc: The Leclerc Column and Free French 2nd Armored Division, 1940–1946 (Robinson & Seignon)
Groupement tactique "Langlade", 2nd Armored Division (September 1944)
Groupement tactique "Langlade" or GT "L" was a French armored task force under the 2nd Armored Division, equivalent to a Combat Command. This was its configuration during the Battle of Dompaire. (Click to enlarge)
Vichy France
Oran Defense Sector (November 1942)
The composition of Vichy French forces in the Oran area during Operation Torch. (Click to enlarge)
Pre-Fall France
Mounted Dragoon Regiment, DLC (1940)
The Régiment de Dragons Portés de DLC (RDP) was a motorized infantry regiment subordinate to France's 1940 Light Cavalry Divisions (DLC). They were mounted in Citroen-Kegresse P19 half-tracks. (Click to enlarge)
Discovery Regiment, DLM (1935-40)
The Régiment de Découverte (RD) provided the Light Mechanized Division (DLM) and its Combat Groups (task forces called Groupements) with reconnaissance.. (Click to enlarge)
Mounted Dragoon Regiment, DLM (1940)
The Régiment de Dragons Portés de DLM (RDP) provided the Light Mechanized Division (DLM) and its tanks with close infantry support mounted on Lorraine 28 4x6 and Laffly S20TL 6x6 trucks. (Click to enlarge)