New video on ๐บ๐ฆ Ukrainian Air Assault and ๐ท๐บ Russian Airborne Squad organization doctrine based on the latest sources I have access to. For the Ukrainians this includes pre- and post-2014 details.
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French Armored Cavalry Squadrons in Algeria
The organization of France's most prolific armored cavalry unit during the Algerian War, and why they did it.
Modern Dutch Armored Infantry Platoons (CV90)
Organization & equipment of Dutch CV90 armored infantry platoons.
French Amphibious Infantry Squadrons in Indochina
France's LVT-mounted and Vietnamese-manned amphibious infantry squadrons.
Mexico's Sick Pickup Truck Cavalry
New video on ๐ฒ๐ฝ Mexico's Motorized Cavalry. These are Humvee, pickup truck and armored truck-mounted formations which aside from their...
How to Fight with PATRIOT Missiles
New video on the Patriot surface-to-air missile. I talk about Patriot's components (particularly the missiles), how Patriot units are...
Fallschirmjรคger '44: German Airborne Squads
A quick look at a German Fallschirmjรคger (Paratrooper) infantry company TO&E from May 1944, including the organization of the rifle...
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