This video covers the changes the U.S. Marines went through in the late 1950s and 1960s to tackle the challenge of nuclear warfare. It covers the 1956 Hogaboom Board's provisional updates to the Marine Division from the company- to division-level, how those provisional tables changed when it was ultimately adopted as the M-Series tables of organization in 1961, and how the division was task organized during the Vietnam War. The video takes you through the rationale of the new doctrine, which centered heavily on helicopter assaults to allow for the dispersion of ground and naval forces. It also talks about some of the organizational mistakes of the Hogaboom Board and how those were changed over time. A significant amount of time is spent comparing the Marines' changes to the concurrent Pentomic Division organizational effort being undertaken by the U.S. Army which has been widely considered to be a failure.
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Battle Order's Cute Little Guy Club
The canonical membership of the Cute Little Guy Club

French Armored Cavalry Squadrons in Algeria
The organization of France's most prolific armored cavalry unit during the Algerian War, and why they did it.

Modern Dutch Armored Infantry Platoons (CV90)
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How Mexican Marines became the Anti-Cartel Force
In this video I talk about the origins and evolution of the Mexican Marine Corps, the nature of their cooperation with the United States,...

How U.S. Marines Transformed to Win Nuclear War
This video covers the changes the U.S. Marines went through in the late 1950s and 1960s to tackle the challenge of nuclear warfare. It...

The Taiwanese Special Forces Loadout & Mission
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