Military Organization > Brazil > ​​​​Brazilian Mechanized Rifle Platoon (Current)
Brazilian Mechanized Rifle Platoon (Current)
The following is the organization of the Mechanized Rifle Platoon (Pelotão de Fuzileiros Mecanizado) of the Brazilian Army as per the 2017 "Caderno de Instrução O Pelotão de Fuzileiros Mecanizado e sua Maneabilidade". These platoons are primarily mounted in the VBTP-MR Armored Personnel Carrier, although some older EE-11s may also be in service. In terms of organization, the Brazilian Mechanized Rifle Platoon is virtually identical to the U.S. Army Stryker Rifle Platoon minus dedicated Vehicle Commanders.
The Mechanized Infantry are a relatively new branch in the Brazilian Army with this organization being considered experimental as of 2017. They differ from the Armored Infantry (mounted in M113s) and the Motorized Infantry (mounted in trucks).
The next level up is the Mechanized Rifle Company (Companhia de Fuzileiros Mecanizada), which generally consists of 1 Command Section, 3 Mechanized Rifle Platoons and 1 Support Platoon with 81mm mortars and Carl Gustav recoilless rifles.

Type: Mechanized Infantry Platoon
Origin: Brazilian Army (Brazil)
Vehicles: 4 VBTP-MR Armored Personnel Carriers
Personnel: 1 Officer and 42 Enlisted
​→ 1× Command Group—Grupo de Comando (1 Officer and 4 Enlisted)
1× Platoon Commander, Primeiro tenente or Segundo tenente (OF-1), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle and 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
1× Assistant Platoon Commander, Segundo-Sargento (OR-6), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle and 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
1× Radio Operator, Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle
Vehicle Crew
1× Vehicle Driver, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
1× Vehicle Gunner, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
​→ 1× Support Group—Grupo de Apoio (5 Enlisted)
1× Group Commander, Terceiro-Sargento (OR-5), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle
2× Gunners, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 FN MAG M971 Machine Gun or 1 M949 AGR Light Mortar and 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
2× Assistant Gunners, Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle
​→ 3× Combat Groups—Grupo de Combate (11 Enlisted each)
1× Group Commander, Terceiro-Sargento (OR-5), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle
1st Squad
1× Squad Commander, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle
1× Rifleman (AT), Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle and 1 AT4/ALAC Disposable LAW
1× Rifleman (Grenadier), Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle and 1 M203 Grenade Launcher
1× Machine Gunner, Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 FN Minimi Machine Gun
2nd Squad
1× Squad Commander, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle
1× Rifleman (AT), Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle and 1 AT4/ALAC Disposable LAW
1× Rifleman (Grenadier), Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 IA2 Rifle and 1 M203 Grenade Launcher
1× Machine Gunner, Soldado (OR-2), armed with 1 FN Minimi Machine Gun
Vehicle Crew
1× Vehicle Driver, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
1× Vehicle Gunner, Cabo (OR-4), armed with 1 IMBEL GC/Taurus PT92 Pistol
The Mechanized Rifle Platoon is the close-combat unit of the Mechanized Rifle Company mounted in the 6×6 VBTP-MR (and older EE-11) Armored Personnel Carrier. The platoon has 4 integral VBTP-MRs, each holding either an individual Combat Group or the Platoon Command Group. The Support Group rides with the Command Group typically.
When mounted, the platoon is split into 2 sections of 2 vehicles each. The Platoon Commander (Comandante do Pelotão) leads one section from the command seat of the Command Group's vehicle. Meanwhile, the Assistant Platoon Commander (Adjunto do Pelotão) leads the other from the command seat of a Combat Groups' vehicle. The remaining 2 vehicles are commanded by a Group Commander, while the Group Commander in the Assistant Platoon Commander and Platoon Commander's vehicle sits in the back with the rest of the group. Typically when the platoon is dismounted, the Assistant Platoon Commander remains in the vehicle to command the mounted element in coordination with the Platoon Commander. The Radio Operator (Soldado Radioperador) stays with the Platoon Commander.
The Support Group consists of a Group Commander (Comandante do Grupo de Apoio) and 2 teams of 1 Gunner (Corporal) and 1 Assistant Gunner (Private) each. Typically, each team would serve one FN MAG general-purpose machine gun. However, 1 team could serve a light mortar (60mm) in lieu to provide the platoon with an indirect fire capability in addition to the company-level 81mm mortars.
The Combat Groups consist of a Group Commander (Comandante do Grupo de Combate), a vehicle crew consisting of a Driver (Motorista) and Gunner (Atirador SARC), and 2 squads consisting of a Squad Commander (Comandante de Esquadra), Rifleman (Soldado Esclarecedor) with an M203 Grenade Launcher and optic, Rifleman with an AT4 or ALAC light anti-tank weapon, and Machine Gunner (Soldado Atirador) with a Minimi light machine gun.
The Group Commander is ultimately responsible for the personnel of their group and the vehicle. He directs the actions of his Driver and Gunner while mounted, and the fire and maneuver of the squads when dismounted. The Group Commander typically dismounts. In this case, the Vehicle Gunner acts as vehicle commander. One of the Squad Commanders is seated closest to the control panel of the rear hatches and dismount. Depending on the situation a Squad Commander could be called on to act as a vehicle commander.
In terms of weapons systems, each group has their vehicle's remote weapons (30mm autocannon, 12.7mm heavy machine gun or 7.62mm medium machine gun), 7 IA2 assault rifles, 2 Minimi light machine guns, 2 M203 grenade launchers and 2 AT4/ALAC light anti-tank weapons.